At HOTEL TAVINOS Kyoto, we offer a variety of facilities and services to make your stay as enjoyable and pleasant as possible.

Lobby with curtains

SERVICE/Hotel Facilities

  • Automatic Check-in / Check-out

    Provides speedy check-in procedures simply by scanning your passport, etc. Payment can be made either in cash or by credit card.

  • Lounge

    The lounge can be freely used as a communication area by hotel guests. We hope you will make use of it to interact with other guests.

  • Free Light Breakfast Service

    A light breakfast (bread, etc.) will be served free of charge in the lounge every morning and free drinks .

  • Lobby Attendant

    If you have any inquiries, such as questions about how to use the hotel, please feel free to ask one of the lobby attendants.

  • Self-Service Cloakroom

    Available before check-in and after check-out (free).
    * Luggage must be collected on the same day.

  • Vending Machine

    Guests can use the vending machines (drinks only) in the coin-operated laundry room.

  • Laundry

    Coin-operated washing machines and drying machines.

BAGGAGE KEEPERThe newest self-keeping baggage system

"BAGGAGE KEEPER" is an automatic rack-based baggage storage system, filled with big and small storage boxes, where baggage can be stored separately, and conveyor for an automatic baggage transportation. A non-face-to-face operation system, equipped with LCD display and voice guidance, offers a strong security and countermeasures against infectious diseases for a safe and smooth operation.

The newest self-keeping baggage system The newest self-keeping baggage system


Guest Room Facilities

  • Shower room

    Shower room

  • Air conditioning (heat/cool)

    Air conditioning (heat/cool)

  • Bidet


  • Television


  • Satellite broadcasting

    Satellite broadcasting

  • Wireless LAN

    Wireless LAN

  • Folding table

    Folding table
    & Folding chair

The following facillities/equipment are not available

  • Bathtub


  • Refrigerator



  • Bath towel

    Bath towel

  • Face towel

    Face towel

  • Body soap

    Body soap

  • Shampoo, Conditioner

    Shampoo, Conditioner

  • Hair dryer

    Hair dryer

  • Tissue papers

    Tissue papers

  • Cup


  • Hangers


  • Face and hand soap

    Face and hand soap

In addition to amenities in the room, the following amenities are available in the lobby

(Please ask to the lobby attendant.)
  • Cotton buds
  • Razors
  • Hair brush
  • Nightwears
  • Slippers
  • Toothbrush & Toothpaste


We have a rental service. Please ask a front staff, if you wish to use it.
※Please note that there are limited number of amenities in the lobby and rental items

  • Mobile device charger
  • power adapter
  • electric kettle
  • humidifier
  • clothes iron
  • ironing board sheets
  • extra pillows
  • blankets
  • extension cord
  • sewing kit
  • deodorizing spray
  • digital clock


You can use the following payment methods

Credit card
Credit card
QR code payment
QR code payment


Great value when you make your reservation on the official website!
We offer a variety of plans,
so you can pick the one that suits you best!
If you would like to make a group reservation,please feel free to contact us.