

[Hamamatsucho]June Events.


Dear guests of HOTEL TAVINOS Hamamatsucho,
We are pleased to inform you about our upcoming events for June 2024 📣✨

The big event this month is the "Gathering world by TAVInstax ~Where are you from?~" a joint event of the three HOTEL TAVINOS!🌏💞
This event, in which guests share their travel plans and create a "Gathering map", will definitely be an opportunity to exchange travel information and meet new people! 😆👍
For more event details, please check this out.💁

We will also hold an event where you can make your original "Teru Teru Bozu" ※1!
Let's overcome the rainy season together! 🌂

※1: Teru Teru Bozu is a lucky charm depicting Buddhist monks praying for good weather.

We look forward to your participation 💁‍♀️💛