

[Hamamatsucho] Setsubun event: welcoming spring and good luck in 2025


Setsubun is a festival in Japan celebrated in the beginning of February. According to the lunar calendar it is customary held one day before the beginning of spring: on 2nd, 3rd or 4th of February.

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How do you celebrate Setsubun?

For many centuries people have been preforming various practices to chase away oni (demons or evil spirits) and welcome the beginning of spring. Nowadays in Japan it is customary to celebrate Setsubun by throwing roasted soy beans (in some regions peanuts) and chanting: “Oni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi!” (Demons out! Happiness in!). It is believed that by doing this, you will drive away evil and invite good luck into your house.

Sometimes during Setsubun someone represents a demon by wearing oni-mask and people throw beans at them.

Setsubun at TAVINOS

This month we held a Setsubun-themed event in the lobby of HOTEL TAVINOS Hamamatsucho, where our guests could throw “beans” at oni and receive a little prize.

Two oni figures, as you can see on the photo above, have a point system, where each part of their body has different score. Of course, you can play this game by yourself, but if you in the mood, you can also compete on who can get the highest score with your friends or our attenders.

Events all year round

As local hub for travelers all around the world, HOTEL TAVINOS Hamamatsucho offers a lot of original events. Some of them we hold simultaneously with our other two hotels in Asakusa, Tokyo and Kyoto, and some are original to each hotel.

The Setsubun event in HOTEL TAVINOS Hamamatsucho is an event that we are planning to make an annual tradition. That’s why, if you have missed it this year, you can always try it the next.

Upcoming events

We post information on upcoming events and local tours schedules on our official website. Feel free to check if any of them will strike your fancy by clicking on the link below: